Public Observation - Canyon Creek (Ghoulie's), southern Whitefish Range

Location Name: 
Public Observation - Canyon Creek (Ghoulie's), southern Whitefish Range
Whitefish Range - Southern (south of Coal Creek)
Date and time of observation: 
Wed, 12/21/2016 - 09:00
Location Map: 

Red Flags: 
Recent avalanche activity
Recent loading by new snow, wind, or rain

Observation made by: Public
Snowpit Observations
More detailed information about the snowpack: 

In touring around Ghoulie's outdie the resort boundary this morning I came across a few things of note.  The slides which were fresh yesterday along the ridge above the beaver ponds were of obvious note, but no recent activity since the snowfall overnight.  ALL aspects of Ghoulie's (NE, West, SE/S) were wind effected.  Due west seemed to be most impacted and made for poor skiing and funky drifts related to trees/wind depositing.  NE back towards the ponds were also wind affected and I didn't venture that way for fear of instability consequesnces on steeper slopes associated with a snowpack with relatively denser (due to temps and wind transporting) lying on top of very soft snow.  I did step out onto some of the slopes near anchors and didn't observe any cracking or whoompfing.  The SE aspect of Ghoulie's (Baby's Butt/Old Man Land) skied very good as it is quite low angle and the wind only moderately affecte the snowpack making for fast, soft turns with no obvious instability signs.  Boot penetration was approx 24" inches. Ski penetration was maybe 5" inches  Densest snow was at the surface, perhaps 3-4 inches of wind transported/affected snow overriding the older soft storm snow.

Any other comments about the observation or links to outside pages that have more info on the observation: 

Very eerie conditions with the widespread wind event, new snow accumulations being difficult to pinpoint due to wind transport.  And extremely low density snow underlying the upper layers of wind affected, warmer snow on top.  Stick to the LAP- LOW ANGLE POW (in big trees!).


Weather Observations
Blowing Snow: 
Cloud Cover: 
100% of the sky covered by clouds
Wind Speed: 
Calm (No air motion)
Wind Direction: 
More detailed information about the weather: 

A thin cloud remained at elevations above 6000' with descent visibility.  One could almost detect blue sky above so ceiling could've been around 7500'.  Air temps were warm and humid in the cloud but not warm enough to affect the snow in any negative qualities.  On the way back towards the resort the cloud thinned and sun was beginning to warm the snow around 5500' and below.
