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Do you have a special purpose for your donation, a dedication, a gift, etc?

What are you supporting?
Your contribution allows us to provide a free daily avalanche advisory, avalanche safety classes, and promote avalanche awareness. These donations directly support all of our programs and our winter-loving community.

Buy a hat! 

Corporate Sponsorships 

To achieve our goals, the Flathead Avalanche Center relies on the generous support of individuals, corporate partners, resorts, and foundations who share our vision. The Flathead Avalanche Center is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. We actively pursue grants and corporate contributions to help fund our programs. These contributions directly support our programs and help ensure that the programs will continue. We also enjoy working with partners to develop new programs that achieve specific and mutually-beneficial goals.

Learn more here

Mail-in Donations

Mail donations to Friends of the Flathead Avalanche Center • PO Box 4276, Whitefish, MT 59937


The Bottom Line

Your donations keep this program going. If you use and value this service, join the team, and help us out. It’s easy and tax-deductible. Flathead Avalanche Center's tax id # is 47-1135769. Recognition on the website is available for individual and corporate donors. E-mail us for more detailed information.