Toured on W BTL and NTL and E aspect NTL today. Found crust-facet-crust sandwich down 20 cm to the top crust, extending all the way up to the ridge at 6800'. Moderate results just under that upper crust on small facets, but ECTN on both E (6700') and W (6100') aspects. Still a fist-hard layer sitting above that top crust, not cohesive in the minimal observed terrain. Did not observe recent natural avalanche activity, but light winds BTL were moderate NTL and blowing snow at ridges may have obscured crowns from the 12/21 cycle. Didn't ski any hardslab on leeward W slopes, but wind texture in second photo indicates it may be present. Isolatated SH sz 4-8 observed BTL on W and NW aspects. HS 140cm on windward W NTL, 175-225cm NTL on E. Merry Christmas all.