Broken Leg North

Location Name: 
North Broken Leg Mountain
Observation date: 
Friday, April 1, 2022 - 10:00

Is this an Avalanche Observation: 
Observation made by: Public


Quick Observation

Hiked (more) and skinned (less) toward a max elevation of 6000'.  

Again, the conditions depended greatly on aspect and elevation.  Exposed SW to W aspects below ~5500' have melted out a lot (photo) while sheltered NW to N aspects still have ample snow above 5200'.  No signs of current instability observed today.  Decided to dig a couple pits just below 6000' on a S and again on a N aspect to compare. 

The South aspects were fully supportable by a thick K hard crust.  An inch or so of a snow/graupel mix softened the ride.  The pit profile was isothermal and stability tests yielded a rough CT13 Q3 within a 4F layer of moist snow.  

The Northern aspect harbored about the same amount of new snow (~1in) and also had a slighly softer supportable crust.  The upper part of the pack is still below freezing though it is getting close to isothermal.  Had a surprizing CTR17 Q1 fracture on what looks to be to be a layer of graupel (photo) about 2.5 feet down .  The ECTX needs to be taken with a grain of salt as I had a mishap cutting out the back of the column.  

OVC all day with light winds and temps hanging just about freezing until noon.   Noticed that even the squirrels were sinking in a bit on the descent.

Snowpack, Avalanche, Weather Images: 
Travel Details
Swan Range - West Side (Flathead Valley access)
Snowpack Details
Snowpack and Weather Details: 
Hide Terrain
Elevation of observation: 
3500-5000 ft
5000-6500 ft
Aspect(s) of observation: 
New Snow in the past 24 hours: 
Total Snow Depth: 
Blowing Snow: 
Wind Speed: 
Light (Twigs in motion)
Wind Direction: 
Air temperature: 
Below Freezing
Snow line: 
Began so see new snow on the ground around 4800'
Sky Cover: 
Overcast (OVC)
Highest Precipitation Rate: 
Very Light Snowfall (S-1)