Snowpack Observation, Ghoulies Area, Adjacent to WMR

Location Name: 
Ghoulies, East of WMR... Ridgetop Elevation
Observation date: 
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 - 14:00

Is this an Avalanche Observation: 
Observation made by: Public


Quick Observation


No recent avalanche activity and no obvious signs of instability observed on tour. Confined tour to "Simple" terrain in the east bowl below Ghoulies.

Snopack Obs:  Test Pits conducted in proximity to eachother during Patrol Fund L1... East of WMR

Elevation: 6665

Aspect: SE

Slope Angle 25°

HS 200cm +

Wx: OVC, S-1, Calm, ~20s (°F)

Test Pit 1: ECTP16@45cm, ECTP5@45cm (From Snowpack Surface).

Test Pit 2: ECTP22@45cm, ECTP14@45cm (From Snowpack Surface).

ECT Column Hardness (Above propagation) F+ to 4f+.

Failing Layer: Buried Near Surface facets  (~0.25mm)

Bed surface: Melt-Freeze Crust



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