Got out for a little sled and ski in the flathead range in a zone we know is often sheltered from the winds. This proved to be the case once again, as it was calm with fresh snow still in the trees and no wind scoured slopes. Since we rode snowmobiles to the top, we dug a pit first to check out stability on a SE facing slope at about 6,700 ft with a slope angle of 35 degrees. We observed ECTP 15cm from the surface after 11 taps. There was some buried surface hoar where the failure occured. We skied slopes no greater than 35 degrees and found some great turns. Snow was soft, and easy to crust or wind slabs like we saw a few days ago. On our skintrack back up to the top, we saw no signs of cracking or whumphing. Continued to ski 4 laps, and conditions remained consistent.