The Mountain Guides• AIARE Level 1 Avalanche Course

AIARE Level 1 Avalanche Course   - The Mountain Guides

  • This AIARE Level 1 Course offered from the Mountain Guides is designed for people looking to build a foundation for safe Backcountry travel. This comprehensive 3-day course focuses on hazard evaluation, decision-making and companion rescue in avalanche terrain. These courses include proper instruction for basic safety and protocols for safe backcountry travel. Over the 3-days you will learn the skills and tools needed to navigate the winter mountains and evaluate the snowpack when traveling through avalanche terrain.

    The course begins at noon in Lakeside City Park with introductions, course overview , gear check, hand out maps, text books, field guides, etc. Mondays and Tuesday classes will be held at Blacktail Mountain Ski Area, located 14 miles West of Lakeside, from 9am – 5pm.


    Prerequisites for touring during our Avalanche Courses: For the field component of these courses, you must have appropriate alpine touring (AT), telemark or split-board equipment. You DO NOT need to be an advanced skier or boarder, but you should be able to ascend moderate slopes using skins and descend downhill effectively in a variety of snow conditions. Other required gear (pack, transceiver, probe) is available for rent. Please call ahead for availability.

Cost: $450

Dates: December 12th, 13th, 14th 2021 

To Register: The Mountain Guides Registration

Note: This course is not offered or affiliated with Flathead Avalanche Center or Friends of the Flathead Avalanche Center, but is an outside provider. 


Blacktail Ski area
13990 Blacktail Road
59922 Lakeside , MT
United States
Montana US
Event Date: 
Sunday, December 12, 2021 to Tuesday, December 14, 2021